Welcome To Our Portfolio |
Specialties |
RentersHotline.ca is a partner with Pioneer Computers, and offers services to renters and rental property owners. The Complete design and content was created by our design team. |
» Pioneer Computers can assist with a multitude of web page design requirements. Complete from scratch. We can integrate database management with your site, assist with logo design, and graphic layout, and we can even come up with the content on your site, in the case of 295.ca. We also provide advanced search engine optimization strategies.
Contact us for pricing information. |
295.ca offers unlimited dial up internet access for only $2.95 a month! 90% of the layout and all content was created by our design team. 295 is a Pioneer Computers Partner. |
PioneerComputers.ca, our wonderful site, was also created by our bright and talented design team. |
Work In Progress
Pioneer Computers currently has many works in progress, and will be posted soon. |
Worldline.ca offers unlimited long distance calling to anywhere in Canada for only $3.95 per month. Pioneer Computers team has created ALL back-end and administrations for Worldline. This includes database record management, customer billing and signup procedures currently used. Worldline is a Pioneer Computers Partner. |
PropertyHotline.ca is also a Pioneer Computers partner and offers services to rental and real estate property owners that wish to rent and sell their property listings more efficiently. They accomplish this by offering state of the art telephony Interactive Voice Response technology merged with their easy to use web interface. Let the Hotline answer questions, spend your time with buyers. |
Hosting |
Pioneer Computers offers a wide range of hosting options for our clients. We also provide Database management services in MySQL, as well as complete setup and maintenance for all of our clients. Contact us for more information. |